State of Men Report


We are working to survey 1,000 men across america in an effort to produce resources that are data-driven, focused on key issues, & informed by cultural trends.


In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the Sons of Issachar are described as men who had “an understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do.” In the original context, the Hebrew word for understanding is yada which refers to “a keen sense of observation; an awareness of the changing spiritual climate; a knowledge of the seasons.”

In the same spirit, we hope to produce biblical & engaging resources that are built to meet the needs of modern men. To aid in this effort we are working to survey men to assess the state of their spiritual, emotional, relational, vocational, and ministry lives.


help us meet our goal

Participate in our research by completing the survey below.

The survey should take 5-10 mins to complete.

click link to complete survey

Each survey entry is anonymous.



Thus far in our research, we have discovered the following:

  • Only 41% of men report that their prayer life is meaningful, fulfilling, and enriching. 56% indicate that their prayer life is fulfilling some of the time and 3% indicate that it is not fulfilling at all.

  • The three most dominant emotional or mental health issues reported by men are high levels of stress (70%), worry (67%) and loneliness (64%).

  • Only 18% of men report a practice of regularly scheduling time on their calendars for rest, relaxation, and family enrichment.

  • The most dominant point of pressure reported is financial in nature. Men are largely concerned about the state of their finances.

This kind of data is not only telling but can reveal the conversations that are most critical among men’s ministry leaders. It also gives us targets and helps us to develop resources that are relevant to the needs of men living in today’s culture.

To request a full-length breakdown of the data received from the report, email